showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Storm Mastertronic (Binary Design)1986Corrine, beloved wife of Storm the warrior, is a helpless prisoner in Una Cum's laboratory lair. Una Cum has left his castle to search for a box called THE FEAR. Meanwhile, Storm and his comrade the powerful wizard Agravian Undead must pit their wits against the foul traps Una Cum has left behind...***
Storm +4 Kichy Design2005This is a special Commodore Plus/4 version of the old C16 game [game=#45781]Storm[/game]. The Plus/4 version is actually a port of the C64 version, which had more screens and slightly better graphics than the old C16 version. Storm itself is a rather lousy playable Gauntlet clone which can be played with two players simultaneously. labelimageminimize